Leonardo Uieda

Websites for Earth Scientists on the academic job hunt

This is a list of the websites I use to search for academic jobs in the Earth Sciences (geophysics, geology, oceanography, meteorology, etc). They’ve been very useful to me (I found my current position through the CIG mailing list) and I hope that this post can help others who are looking to take the next step in their academic careers.

These sites list everything from Masters and PhD scholarships to postdoc positions and tenure-track professorships. Note that they are biased toward the US, Canada, Oceania, and Europe.

Mailing lists

Sign up for these and get email updates when new opportunities are posted (most are updated daily):

  • ES_JOBS_NET: I get around 10 emails from this list a day. Lately, I’m seeing a lot of positions involving climate change and the environment.
  • Times Higher Education unijobs: Has very useful filters and posts job ads from many disciplines, not just Earth Science.
  • AGU Pathfinder: Official job list of the American Geophysical Union.
  • Computational Infrastructure for Geodynamics: Most ads are related to computational geophysics or numerical modeling but not all.
  • met-jobs Academic and some industry positions related to meterology and oceanography.
  • EGU Jobs: The official job board for the European Geosciences Union. Doesn’t seem to have email updates but you can subscribe using RSS. Contributed by Pankaj K Mishra.

Job boards

These sites don’t offer email updates or feeds to which you can subscribe. You’ll have to check them periodically. I leave them as pinned tabs on Firefox and look at them once every other day.

  • EarthWorks: This is the most international of all sites listed here. I see things from Asia, Africa, and South America, though not as often as Europe and the US.
  • GSA Job Board: The official job board of the Geological Society of America.

Non-English language jobs

For the many scientists out there in the world 🌏 👋:

Contributing to the list

Did I miss any? Let me know and I’ll add them to the post. Better yet, send a pull request.

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